Remember a while back when I talked about how tricky it would be to advertise for Thor? Aside from the commercial I posted, there’s no good way to advertise the movie. My deeper implication was that the movie would be bad because Thor is such an uninteresting character.

Thor is still an uninteresting character, but the movie isn’t just about him. This movie is about an arrogant brother humbled and a jealous brother empowered. The movie is as much about Loki as it is Thor; it is all the better for following their individual paths. I do not have much time to discuss the film right now, but I want to let you all know that Thor is worth seeing. Not only that, there are minorities included in the Norse Gods. The movie is slightly more progressive than all other superhero films. Well, if only by a minor percent.

Go see Thor! We’ll discuss it later.

Author: Gospel X

Media commentator who tries not to waste time - and often fails

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